Military industry2020-05-09 15:06

  1、viation and aerospace industry
  2、 the nuclear industry
  3、shipbuilding industry,
  4、academy of engineering physics
  5、 ordnance industry
  Overview: military scientific research industry is the pillar of the national security, all countries has its unique development path, there are mainly classified into the national specialized investment and civilian enterprise into a military enterprise, military enterprise equipment requirements is extremely high, air to the actual working condition of the military scientific research and industry research and development design a military scientific research industry special air compressor, for military scientific research industry users to provide the most suitable air compressor!
  Langair mining use cases:
  1、a nuclear industry units, the use of  Langair  40 cubic air compressor.

  Nuclear industry special air compressor,  Langair  recommendation model LA - 250GA, more specific technical parameter please read  Langair products center!
  2、a ChuanBoChang, use  Langair 20 cubic compressor air.

  ChuanBoChang special air compressor,  Langair recommendation model LA - 250GA, more specific technical parameter please read  Langair  products center!